Tag: simulation based training

Beyond Onboarding: Using Simulation as a Continuous Learning Tool in Healthcare

Simulation-based training solutions address both the need for continuous skills development and the demand for greater flexibility.
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High-Tech vs. High-Touch: Balancing Technology and Human Interaction in Medical Simulation Training

What is the right balance between leveraging cutting-edge technology and maintaining meaningful human interaction?
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5 Ways Mobile Simulation Technology Enhances Law Enforcement Training

Law enforcement is increasingly being asked to do more and more, often with reduced budgets and training. Mobile training capture and debrief technology has the potential to reverse these trends.
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10 Things to Consider When Partnering with a New Simulation Management Vendor

There are many factors to consider when building your simulation program. This article delves into the key areas you should consider when selecting a simulation management partner.
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Mistakes To Avoid When Designing a Medical Simulation Center

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Building Your Sim Center

A simulation center often serves as a hands-on hub for healthcare education, offering a dynamic environment for learners to engage in lifelike scenarios. These centers are equipped with state-of-the-art simulation labs where learners can practice clinical skills, decision-making, and teamwork ...
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Student Progression Tracking and Competency-Based Assessment

Student Progression Tracking and Competency-Based Assessment: How Programs are Monitoring Skills Development in Healthcare Education

The healthcare industry is constantly evolving, and education programs must keep up with these rapid changes to ensure that graduates are well-prepared for their careers and can provide the best possible patient care. One way to address the potential skills ...
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7 Things Successful Nursing Simulation Labs Have in Common

7 Things Successful Nursing Simulation Labs Have in Common

Recruiting and preparing the next generation of nurses is a crucial component of improving worldwide healthcare delivery systems and aggregate patient outcomes. To make institutions more attractive to high-caliber nursing school applicants and better prepare current students for the profession, ...
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The Best Ways to Use Simulated Patients in Medical Education

Modern healthcare educators depend on a variety of methodologies to train the next generation of clinical practitioners, including online, didactic, and hands-on, simulation-based training using manikins and simulated patients in medical education (also referred to as standardized patients or SPs). ...
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The Rapid Evolution of Technology for Simulation in Healthcare Post-Covid

When healthcare education institutions quickly pivoted to online learning models during the early stages of the pandemic, they relied heavily on their existing technology infrastructure to deliver the same standard of training their students came to expect. But even with ...
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16 Top Tips for Improving Simulation-Based Medical Education

16 Top Tips for Improving Simulation-Based Medical Education

Simulation-based medical education, recognized as the standard in healthcare training, prioritizes the enhancement of hands-on skills and the assessment of student performance in clinical learning environments. This approach, commonly known as simulation training in healthcare, creates a secure space for ...
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