Cloud-Based Healthcare Simulation Training Software

EMS’ SIMULATIONiQ™ Enterprise Cloud is an on-demand healthcare simulation solution designed to optimize healthcare simulation training by simplifying the management of clinical simulation center operations by removing the need for extensive on-site hardware.

Key Benefits of the SIMULATIONiQâ„¢ Enterprise Cloud Solution

The alternative to on-site IT infrastructure

What if you could forget about technology and just focus on educating learners and bettering outcomes?

SIMULATIONiQ™ Enterprise Cloud’s web-based system eliminates the need for large hardware installations to manage your simulation AV capture and debriefs. And with its built-in Service Level Agreement, SIMULATIONiQ™ Enterprise Cloud ensures the timely delivery, management, and maintenance of your IT services, giving you solid ROI and peace of mind.

Do more with less!

Customer Testimonials

Telemedicine Training and Virtual OSCE Workflows

TeleHealth Simulation Training and Virtual OSCE Workflows

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Enterprise Healthcare Simulation Software

Fully Supported Multisite Deployments

Access More Campuses and More Students

For institutions needing simulation solutions at multiple locations without the IT resources to maintain separate systems, Enterprise Cloud’s distributed architecture is the answer. This simulation training software offers secure cloud-based simulation management across several campuses with a smaller IT footprint. The result is a lower total cost of ownership and a higher return on investment, making Enterprise Cloud an ideal choice for healthcare education solutions.
workflow with secure, cloud-based data management

DistanceSIM for Enterprise Cloud

Distance-Based Simulator Training​

A product extension for Enterprise and Enterprise Cloud that enables your medical simulation program to utilize a combination of physical training rooms and virtual teleconferencing connectivity to conduct live simulator training and clinical observation scenarios online.

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Take charge of your programs and maximize efficiency
with seamless end-to-end cloud-based simulation management.

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