INACSL 2018 Preview: Visit EMS’ Booth #307!

Education Management Solutions is proud to celebrate National EMS Week! Sponsored by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT), National EMS Week is the perfect time to recognize the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) field and all that its practitioners do for our nation.

This year, NAEMT continues its partnership with the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) on the EMS STRONG “Stronger Together” campaign. Together, NAEMT and ACEP are working to ensure that the essential contributions of EMS practitioners in safeguarding the health, safety, and wellbeing of their communities are fully celebrated and recognized.

EMS Week brings together local communities and medical personnel to honor the dedication of those who provide the day-to-day lifesaving services of medicine’s “front line.”

National EMS Week dates back to 1974, when President Gerald Ford took note of the need to celebrate EMS practitioners and the important work they do in our nation’s communities. Back then, EMS/EMT was an up and coming profession. Now, emergency healthcare practitioners are receiving the recognition they deserve as critical components of healthcare delivery and facet of the public health safety net.

On any given day, EMS practitioners help save lives by responding to medical emergencies. They may provide both basic and advanced medical care at the scene of an emergency and en route to a hospital.

So take time to thank the nation’s EMS practitioners! Click here for a list of ideas on how to celebrate EMS practitioners this week – and all year long.

And don’t forget to share your National EMS Week moments on social media using the hashtag #EMSStrong. Follow the NAEMT’s Facebook and Twitter accounts for updates, information, and inspiration.

Visit the NAEMT homepage for more on National EMS Week!

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