Category: Healthcare Systems

Improving Patient Care with Interprofessional Collaboration

The National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education has established that high-functioning teams can improve the outcomes, experience, and costs of healthcare. And a recent report by the Institute of Medicine also outlines the “positive impact that interprofessional collaboration and ...
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Celebrating National Health Center Week

EMS is proud to celebrate National Health Center Week! Sponsored by the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC), National Health Center Week is the perfect time to recognize community health centers nationwide and all that their practitioners do to ...
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Implementing IPE Doesn’t Have to Be a Struggle

Interprofessional education (IPE) encourages collaboration among medical and healthcare learners – medical, nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy, social work, and many others. It develops skills through simulation and experiential learning, allowing participants to gain a deeper understanding of each team member’s ...
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5 Reasons Nurses Must Excel at Interprofessional Collaboration

In the ever-changing world of healthcare, providing care has become more challenging. The importance interprofessional collaboration among healthcare professionals is crucial, especially in nursing. Nurses are central to coordinating care, working closely with others to guarantee that patients receive top-notch ...
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Meeting New Accreditation Requirements with Interprofessional Education

IPE (interprofessional education) enhances communication and collaboration across diverse healthcare teams, including representatives from medicine, nursing, pharmacy, social work, behavioral health, law enforcement, and more. More and more institutions are looking to IPE to collectively prepare their learners for real-life care delivery, ...
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6 Benefits of Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare

 6 Benefits of Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare

When it comes to providing exceptional patient care, it’s important to remember that no single medical professional can fulfill all the needs of a patient. That’s why the concept of interprofessional collaboration, or the collaborative effort among various medical providers ...
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What Is Interprofessional Education?

Interprofessional education (IPE) is gaining traction in medical and healthcare institutions, reflecting advancements in training technology and a new emphasis on collaboration. Interprofessional education encourages collaboration among medical and healthcare learners – medical, nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy, social work and ...
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